Autobiography & CD

Stecher & Horowitz Autobiography

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STECHER & HOROWITZ DUO-PIANISTS is truly the “Unequaled Journey” of a remarkable duo. Tracing their lives from young piano students through years of pursuing a concert career, they created a school for the performing arts; composed and wrote an extensive educational piano library; and finally developed an international piano competition. All is documented in this comprehensive, delightful, and unique story. Melvin Stecher and Norman Horowitz have dedicated a lifetime to their artistic careers; compromising nothing, enduring considerable hardships but succeeding, due to their unfailing trust and belief in each other.

Stecher & Horowitz CD


STECHER & HOROWITZ KEYBOARD LEGENDS: a newly released CD of the Duo-Pianists originally recorded in 1966 at the famed Webster Studios, New York City.
